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Local Anaesthetics

Dr Lim will numb the surgical area by injecting local anaesthetic.  To make it less unpleasant, he may also give you a sedative.  Once the surgical area is numb, the operation can proceed without hurting you.  If it is too stressful, drapes can be hung up so you are unable to see the operation and more sedation may be provided.


Oxygen may be required during the operation.  All the usual safety protocols will be observed.


The advantages of this option are that you will feel very normal afterwards.  The risks of nausea and vomiting is very low so that you can have food and drink quite soon after the operation.  It also means that you can go home more quickly.  The numbness from the local anaesthetic also tend to last several hours which means that you will be very comfortable during this time.

Please note that fasting will still be required.  This is just in case there are unexpected problems and you need a general anaesthetic instead.  An IV cannula will also be needed as the surgeon may request that you be given intravenous antibiotics. 

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