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Allergies and Drug Reactions

It is very important to separate allergies and reactions.  This is because true allergies can be life-threatening.  Doctors will deny you the medication (even if you need it) if they think that you are allergic to the medication.  They will either give you an alternative which may have more side-effects or there may not be an alternative at all.

Therefore it is vital to have accurate information of any major allergies.

Dr Lim will need to know about drug reactions you have had in the past as he may be able to manage the problem either with different medications or reduced doses.


Allergies are immune responses to food, chemicals and medications.  Allergic reactions can range from mild to major life-threatening reactions.  An mild allergic reaction results in a  itchy lumpy red rash or watery red eyes.  These reactions often respond to an anti-histamine.  Major reactions may begin with the rash followed by wheezing and an asthma attack.  Dangerous swelling of the airway can occur which is is life-threatening as it can stop you breathing.  


The best way to treat an allergy is to avoid the trigger.  There can cross-reactions to similar chemical compounds. 


Please try to provide accurate information about any allergies you may have.  It is especially important for Dr Lim to know about severe allergies to medications.

Drug reactions and drug interactions

Drug reactions are often expected side effects of the medication.  For example, some patients claim to be allergic to pain medication because it makes them vomit. This is not al allergy but an expected effect of the medication. You may need this medication or Dr Lim can use other medications to treat the side effect.  Lower doses can also reduce the bad reactions you have with these medications.

It is important for Dr Lim to know about your medications.  Some of these medications can interact with the anaesthetic medications. 

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